Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are You Ready for a Flu Outbreak Paradigm Shift?

Wow! The CDC's warnings about this fall and winter's flu infections are taking the news media by storm! According to Colorado State health officials, citizens should get their flu shots--three of them, in fact, and as early as they are available! Three, they say? Three? Yes, one for the "plain old vanilla" flu and two more, separated by a few weeks, for the swine flu. If you are scared witless by now, you can start the regimen immediately because the regular flu shot is ready. The H1N1 vaccine, or "R2D2", as I refer to it, should be available in Colorado in October and elsewhere, I suspect. As in the past when there are not enough vaccines to go around, not everyone will be able to have access to the H1N1 vaccine... those targeted as higher-risk patients, including pregnant women, caregivers of infants six months and younger, people suffering from asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, and students will be able to get the shot. Moreover, one will have to decide if they want to get the shot, as the vaccine has not been sufficiently tested for efficacy and safety! In fact, some Colorado children will be among the first in the world to test one of the flu drugs...hmm.

So, you ask, what can I do as this conundrum unfolds? Well, the obvious first steps might include diligent hand washing (which only works if you are not a child), wiping door handles, coughing into your elbow and other standard practices.
Beyond these measures, strengthening the immune system will protect against flu viruses. Here are some simple strategies to strengthen your immune system:
  1. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water
  2. Enjoy a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables and low fat protein
  3. Avoid sugar, white flour and baked goods
  4. Get plenty of rest
  5. Reduce your body's exposure to toxins (Shaklee's GET CLEAN cleaning products throughout your home- free of toxins, superconcentrated, and economical)
  6. Fortify your body with Shaklee's natural nutritional supplements essential for the immune system- Nutriferon (see below), Vitalizer, Optiflora, Defend and Resist and Vivix...and for children- Incredivites!

How does Nutriferon power our cells immune system to fight infection? Nutriferon is a patented phytonutrient blend of four powerful plant extracts that provide additional immune support to stimulate the bodies production of interferon. A recent study conducted by Dr. Ann Moscone, from Weil Cornell Medical College, found a new technique to study viruses called the Human Airway Epithelial model, which allowed for testing without using animals (Shaklee NEVER tests on animals!) Dr. Moscone studied Shaklee's Nutriferon product and it's impact on viral activity. The stunning result was that Shaklee's Nutriferon increased the activity of natural killer cells that target tumor cells and cells infected by pathogens, including flu viruses!

Nutriferon is a family regimen at our house! Both Bob and I, along with Jayden, my grandson, who started first grade last week and Chris, my son working on the mountain for Vail Resorts, all need extra immunity from colds, flu, etc. We play a game with Jayden of "hiding" the Optiflora (triple-encapsulated probiotic) and crushing the Nutriferon in his breakfast every single day!

To learn more about Shaklee's potent, safe and pure combination of immune fighting nutients listed above using only science and nature's products, visit my new website at:
